焦慮恐懼怎麼辦? 真實經驗分享!
做了幾個緩慢而深長的呼吸。 幾個不夠,再來了幾個呼吸。
我開始”允許”這份焦慮在我體內流竄,我靜靜地接納著與經驗著,沒有透過頭腦去問「我為什麼要焦慮? 怎樣才能停止焦慮?」,也沒有自責「我怎麼可以焦慮?」
走了一會兒,我更加放鬆安靜了,然後,我輕輕地問:「我覺察到什麼?這是屬於誰的?」 我發現這股能量是我覺察到個案的、這個世界的能量,於是我就更加輕鬆了。我知道那不是我的,因為「我不是我的情緒、我不是我的感受、我不是我的頭腦」。我把我所感知到的”歸還原處”。然後跟自己說:「每一天在各個方面都會越來越好」。
在早上短短的過程裡,我運用了『覺察、全然允許接納、正念、催眠與Access Bars』等工具,這是我十多年來的學習與經驗。 如果有人想要用很快速的方式去「對治」痛苦、焦慮、難過、恐懼,那其實是對那些情緒感受的「強力抗拒」,而非接納。 而如果真的想要有更多的輕鬆,第一步絕對是「完全的接納與允許」,而不是把這些情緒感受看成是「問題」或「負面」或「不應該發生」。
面對自己的內在世界是一個持續的過程。 我並不是在學習一種方法、上了一個課、做了一兩個療癒之后,就能夠全然地愛自己、就能夠馬上面對自己的恐懼與焦慮。那是在學習了這些工具後,在面對生活裡的各種狀況時,慢慢運用出來的一個過程,一個「與自己有更多的連結,把注意力時刻回到自己身上」的過程。這些學習不就是為了運用在生活裡嗎!
Honey, did you find out?
When feelings come up, if we help ourselves with a set of methods and tools to bring our attention back to ourselves, to allow everything to happen without resisting or denying, without holding on to those feelings, then those feelings can have a chance to go away.Just like the weather, there is no permanent storm, there will be a rainbow after the rain; after a period of sunny days, there will be cloudy days and rainy days.Our emotions are just like the change of climate, the change of seasons, there will always be sunny, cloudy and occasional rain showers and the four seasons, we can not go to resist the rainstorms, but always want to sunny days.We can’t fight the storms, we always want the sunny days, because nature is all-encompassing.Our bodies, we are part of nature, and by learning to embrace and learn from nature, we too can have more ease and comfort.
In the short morning session, I used the tools of ‘Awareness, Total Permission Acceptance, Positive Thinking, Hypnosis and Access Bars’, which I have been learning and experiencing for more than 10 years. If someone wants to ‘cure’ pain, anxiety, sadness, fear in a very quick way, that is actually ‘strong resistance’ to those emotional feelings, not acceptance. And if you really want to have more relief, the first step is to “accept and allow” them completely, rather than seeing them as “problems” or “negative” or “undeserved”.
Facing your inner world is an ongoing process. I didn’t learn a method, or take a class, or do a healing or two, and then be able to love myself fully, and then be able to face my fears and anxieties immediately.It’s a process of learning these tools and slowly utilizing them in the face of life’s situations, a process of “connecting more with yourself and bringing your attention back to yourself”.Isn’t that what all this learning is all about, applying it to life?
So please be so kind to yourself and have more patience and care for yourself.Just start to turn around and be willing to start inquiring about the “wonderful happenings” within you (no matter how ugly and negative), and then lovingly embrace and accept them, and you are guaranteed that your life will begin to change.