此慈悲冥想專輯總共包含4首冥想。 每首內容都不一樣,長度也不同。在您完成購買後,會收到下載連結,可以下載4首慈愛冥想。
This compassion meditation album contains a total of 4 meditations. Each one has different content and varying lengths. After you complete your purchase, you will receive a download link to download the 4 MP3 files of loving-kindness meditation.
此慈愛冥想的內容來自#德寶法師的「平靜的第一堂課 超越觀呼吸」一書中法師分享的慈愛冥想的章節。 一共有六個慈愛冥想,我整理成總共4個。
慈悲冥想充滿著慈愛,力量非常強大。超越所有的冥想。在錄製每個慈愛冥想時,每個文字每段話,都帶給我好多畫面,慈愛從心中油然而生。 您在聆聽這個冥想的時候,跟隨每句話,可以同步想像將慈愛給到各界各方眾生。 您會感到不可思議的力量與磁場開始圍繞在您的周圍。
This compassion meditation (loving-kindness meditation) album contains a total of 4 loving-kindness meditations.
The content of this loving-kindness meditation comes from “Beyond Mindfulness in Plain English: An Introductory guide to Deeper States of Meditation“by Bhante Gunaratana where the master shares chapters on loving-kindness meditation. There are a total of six loving-kindness meditations, and I have organized them into 4.
Compassion meditation is filled with loving-kindness and has a very powerful effect. It transcends all meditations. While recording each loving-kindness meditation, every word and every phrase brought me many images, and loving-kindness naturally arose from my heart. When you listen to this meditation, follow each sentence and you can simultaneously imagine sending loving-kindness to all beings in all realms. You will feel an incredible power and magnetic field beginning to surround you.